Eh bien lors du prochain patch les Disci auront droit à beau petit up; surtout PVP mais qui aura des répercutions en PVE:
* Levitate now lasts 10 min, up from 2 min.
* Power Word: Fortitude now costs 22% of base mana, down from 69%.
* Power Word: Shield now scales from 87% of spell power, up from 41.8%. Base absorb increased by 110%, from 3906 to 8136. Now costs 25% of base mana, up from 19% of base mana.
* Focused Will now reduces all damage taken by 5/10%, up from 4/6%.
* Grace can now be active on multiple targets at a time.
* Strength of Soul now also rpocs from Greater Heal and Flash Heal.
* Pain Suppression no longer increases resistance to Dispel mechanics.
* Rapture now energizes you with 2/4/6% of your total mana, up from 1.5/2/2.5%.
* Atonement now affects a friendly party or raid target within 15 yards, up from 8 yards.
* Improved Power Word: Shield now also increase the damage absorbed by an additional 15/30% when Power Word: Shield is cast on yourself.
Je vais peut-être enfin pouvoir retrouver une place de disci en raid; le boubou sur le tank qui absorbe 50k c'est beau; j'en ai larme à l'oeil ;-)